You are here: everRun User's Guide > Introduction to everRun Systems > Network Architecture > Business and Management Networks

Business and Management Networks

All Ethernet ports--other than those used by A-Link networks (including the private network port)--are considered business-network ports, which your guest operating systems use to connect to your network.

One business network is the management network, which accesses the everRun Availability Console and handles miscellaneous management tasks and the quorum server. Each everRun PM has a single management network, referred to as ibiz0.

The everRun installation software sets up the management network. It also sets up business networks for any business-network ports that are physically connected at the time of the installation. To set up business networks after the installation is complete, see Connecting Additional Networks.

Related Topics

A‑Link and Private Networks

Business and Management Network Requirements

Network Architecture Overview

Fixing a Network Connection
