You are here: everRun User's Guide > Introduction to everRun Systems > System Usage Restrictions > Accessing the Host Operating System

Accessing the Host Operating System

After the everRun software installation process completes, you can access the host operating system (CentOS) locally via the PM's physical console, or you can access it remotely via SSH.

If you access the host operating system via SSH, use the management IP addresses specified during the installation process (or supplied by the DHCP server, if the interface was configured for DHCP during installation). See Recording the Management IP Address.

Note: Do not use the system IP address to access the host operating system, as it can move from PM to PM.

The default password for the root account is everRun.

Note: For security reasons, change the username and password as soon as possible.

For information about using third-party management tools on CentOS, see Third-party Management Tools.
