You are here: everRun User's Guide > Getting Started > Software Installation > Obtaining everRun Software

Obtaining everRun Software

Stratus provides the everRun software as an ISO image. You can boot from it directly, or you can burn it to a DVD.

Note: You cannot boot the ISO image from a flash drive.

Obtaining the ISO Image

  1. From any computer connected to the Internet, go to the Downloads page at
  2. To download the everRun software ISO image (everRun_install-7.x.x.x-xxx.iso), under Product Downloads, click everRun 7.x.x.x ISO Image. Save the ISO image.

    Note: Depending on your Internet connection, the download can take up to 30 minutes.

Occasionally a file can be corrupted during the download process. To confirm that the downloaded file is not corrupted, verify the ISO image. After you verify the ISO image, or if you choose to skip verification, go to the final step.

Verifying the ISO Image (Windows)

  1. Download the Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) executable file from the Microsoft Support Website. Save the file to the directory that contains the downloaded ISO file.

  2. Download the FCIV verification file. Under Product Download, right-click everRun 7.x.x.x ISO fciv and select Save Link As. Save the file to the directory that contains the downloaded ISO file.
  3. Open a command prompt. From the directory containing the ISO, executable, and verification files, type the following command to check the ISO image's status:

    fciv –v –xml everRun_install-7.x.x.x-xxx.xml

  4. If the command succeeds (that is, it returns the message All files verified successfully), go to the final step. If the command fails, repeat the download.

Verifying the ISO Image (Linux)

  1. Download the md5sum verification file. Under Product Download, click everRun 7.x.x.x ISO md5sum. Save the file to the directory that contains the downloaded ISO file.
  2. From the directory containing the ISO and verification files, type the following command to check the ISO image's status:

    md5sum -c everRun_install-7.x.x.x-xxx.md5

  3. If the command succeeds (that is, it returns the message everRun_install-7.x.x.x-xxx.iso: OK), go to the final step. If the command fails, repeat the download.

Final Step

When the verification is complete, or if you have skipped the verification, do one of the following:
