You are here: everRun User's Guide > Managing Physical Machines > Troubleshooting Physical Machines > Resetting MTBF for a Failed Physical Machine

Resetting MTBF for a Failed Physical Machine

Reset the mean time between failures (MTBF) counter for a physical machine (PM) to attempt to restart a failed PM.

If a PM crashes, the everRun software automatically restarts it, unless it has fallen below its MTBF threshold. If the PM is below the MTBF threshold, the everRun software leaves the machine powered off. If necessary, you can reset the MTBF counter and restart the PM.

Caution: Do not reset the MTBF counter unless instructed to do so by your authorized Stratus service representative, as doing so may affect the fault tolerance of your system.
Note: The Reset Device button is displayed only if the PM falls below its MBTF threshold.

To reset the MTBF counter for a PM

  1. Determine which PM has the MTBF counter you want to reset.
  2. In the everRun Availability Console, click Physical Machines in the left-hand navigation panel.
  3. Select the appropriate PM (node0 or node1) and then click Work On, which changes the PM’s Overall State to Maintenance Mode and the Activity state to running (in Maintenance).
  4. After the PM displays running (in Maintenance), click Reset Device.

Related Topics

Maintenance Mode

Managing Physical Machines

The everRun Availability Console

The Physical Machines Page
