You are here: everRun User's Guide > Introduction to everRun Systems > everRun Storage Architecture

everRun Storage Architecture

The RAID controllers in an everRun system create logical disks from the system's physical disks. The logical disks are collected into storage groups. Logical disks contain everRun system volumes and virtual machine (VM) volumes. Each volume resides in an associated container that includes the current data on that volume as well as any volume snapshots.

The two physical machines (PM) in an everRun system can have different storage capacities, but only the smaller capacity is available to the system. For example, if one PM has 1 TB of storage in a storage group and the other has 2 TB of storage in that same storage group, only 1 TB is available to the everRun system for that storage group.

everRun systems support internal and external disks.

For more information about everRun storage, see the following topics:
