Follow these instructions to migrate a Windows Server 2003 virtual machine (VM) from an Avance unit or an everRun MX system to a destination everRun 7.2 or later system. You should understand the following considerations before you migrate the Windows Server 2003 VM:
To migrate the VM, boot the P2V client (virt-p2v) in the source Windows Server 2003 VM and use the client to configure, initiate, and monitor a secure network transfer from source side. To begin, follow the appropriate procedure: To prepare for migrating a Windows Server 2003 VM from your source system, and then continue with To migrate a Windows Server 2003 VM from Avance or everRun MX system.
Download the P2V client ISO file from the Drivers and Tools section of the Downloads page at
If you want to verify the integrity of the ISO image, also download the associated fciv checksum file, and then download the Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) executable file from the Microsoft Support Website. Save both files to the directory that contains the downloaded ISO file.
Open a command prompt. From the directory containing the ISO, executable, and verification files, type a command similar to the following to verify the ISO image:
fciv -v -xml virt-p2v-n.n.n-n.nnnnnnnn.n.el6.centos.xml
If the command succeeds (that is, it returns the message
In the next virt-p2v window, click
You can monitor the progress of the migration in the virt-p2v window and on the Volumes page of the destination everRun system's everRun Availability Console as volumes associated with the new VM begin to appear.
After you verify that the new VM is functioning properly, the migration process is complete; however, the everRun system may continue to synchronize data between PMs to enable High Availability (HA) or Fault Tolerant (FT) operation.
Related Topics
Migrating From Avance or everRun MX Systems
Creating and Migrating Virtual Machines
Configuring Windows-based Virtual Machines
Managing Virtual Machine Resources
Managing the Operation of a Virtual Machine
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