You are here: Supporting Documents > everRun Command Line Interface Reference > AVCLI Command Descriptions > network-change-mtu



avcli network-change-mtu name size


The network-change-mtu command changes the MTU size of the specified network (an A-Link or business network, including the biz0 network) on everRun systems.


name The name of the network
size The MTU size. Valid values are 1500 - 9000.
  1. Shut down the VM and issue network-change-mtu.

To change the MTU of an A-Link, perform the following steps:

  1. Issue network-change-mtu.

  2. Cycle a node through maintenance mode, which enables the node to acquire the new MTU (the AX TCP sessions disconnect and reestablish after both nodes are back online).

  3. Repeat the step above on the second node.


The following commands change the MTU size on the A-Link priv0.
$ avcli network-change-mtu priv0 4000
$ avcli network-change-mtu priv0 9000
The following commands change the MTU size on the business network network0, sometimes known as biz0.
$ avcli network-change-mtu network0 4000
$ avcli network-change-mtu network0 9000