avcli vm-reprovision --name name [--new-name name] [--description "description"] [--cpu number] [--memory size] [--addVolumes volumes] [--deleteVolumes volumes] [--keepVolumes volumes] [--interfaces networks] [--disabled-interfaces networks] [--vnc-keyboard-layout keyboard] [--detach-boot-volume] [--attach-boot-volume name]
The vm-reprovision command reprovisions the specified VM.
--name name |
Specify the VM to reprovision. Reprovision only one VM at a time. Specify a VM either by name or ID.
--new-name name |
Specify a new name for the VM. |
--description "description "
Specify a description for the VM. |
--cpu number |
The number of virtual CPUs. This defaults to the VM's current amount.
--memory size |
The size of memory, in megabytes. This defaults to the VM's current amount. |
--addVolumes volumes |
The list of volumes to attach to this VM. A volume is made up of five components, separated by commas:
- Size
of the volume; required.
By default, the volume size is specified in megabytes, but you can use standard qualifiers such as KB, MB, GB,
and TB.
- Storage-group name or ID
from which to carve storage.
- Volume name.
- Volume disk image format (raw or qcow2).
- Sector size of the volume (512 or 4096).
- The sector size is in bytes (B), 512 B by default.
If the sector size of the storage group is 512 B, the sector size of the volume must be 512 B. If the sector size of the storage group is in 4096 B (4 kB), both 512 B and 4096 B are supported as the sector size of the volume. The boot volume must be presented with 512 B as the sector size.
--deleteVolumes volumes |
The list of volume(s) that are currently attached to the specified VM
to be deleted. Specify a volume either by name or ID. |
--keepVolumes volumes |
The list of volume(s) that are currently attached to the specified VM
to be kept attached to the VM. If you specify a volume that is currently attached
but not specified in this list, the volume is detached (not destroyed) from the VM. Specify a volume either by name or ID. |
--interfacesnetworks |
The list of networks to attach to the VM. Specify a network only once. The attached network must not be private. |
--disabled-interfaces networks
A list of networks to attach to the VM, but which should not be enabled. Specify a network only once. The attached network must not be private. |
The keyboard layout to assign to the VM. Valid options are English (en-us), German (de), or Japanese (ja). The default value is en-us. |
Detaches the VM's boot volume. |
Specify the name of a new boot volume for this VM. If the VM already has an attached boot volume,
you must also specify --detach-boot-volume; otherwise, the command fails. |
$ avcli vm-reprovision --cpu 2 --name vm1
$ avcli vm-reprovision --cpu 2 --name vm:o100
$ avcli vm-reprovision --cpu 2 --memory 2048 --name vm:o100
Reprovision a VM named vm001 that has a CPU, 512 MB of memory, a 1,024 MB volume and is attached to network0, and then allocate storage from Pool-0001 for the volume. The volume is named vm001_vol0.
$ avcli vm-reprovision --cpu 1 --memory 512 --interfaces network0 \
--addVolumes 1024,Pool-0001,vm001_vol0 --name vm1
Reprovision VM vm1, and then delete the volumes volume:o411, data-vm1, and data-vm2 associated with it.
$ avcli vm-reprovision --deleteVolumes volume:o411 data-vm1 data-vm2 --name vm1
Reprovision VM vm1 with the new data volume data-1-7, delete volume volume:o1043, keep volumes volume:o1, volume:o2, volume:o4, and attach network interfaces sharednetwork:o129 and sharednetwork:o130.
$ avcli vm-reprovision --cpu 3 --memory 3359 --addVolume 2500,storagegroup:o54,data-1-7 --deleteVolumes volume:o1043 --keepVolumes volume:o1 volume:o2 volume:o4 --interfaces sharednetwork:o129 sharednetwork:o130 --name vm1
Reprovision VM vm1 with the same parameters from the previous example. Also rename the VM vm2 and add a description.
$ avcli vm-reprovision --cpu 3 --memory 3359 --addVolumes 2500,storagegroup:o54,data-1-7,qcow2 --deleteVolumes volume:o1043 --keepVolumes volume:o1 volume:o2 volume:o4 --interfaces sharednetwork:o129 sharednetwork:o130 --name vm1 --new-name vm2 --description "This is the vm description"
Reprovision VM vm001 with two CPUs, 2048 MB of memory, one new data volume vm001_data1 in qcow2 format with 4 kB sector size, and keep volume o7517.
$ avcli vm-reprovision --cpu 2 --memory 2048 --addVolumes 20GB,storagegroup:o1090,vm001_data1,qcow2,4096 --keepVolumes volume:o7517 --name vm001
Swap two VMs' boot disks.
Detach boot volume:
$ avcli vm-reprovision --detach-boot-volume --name p56xen4
Switch boot volume:
$ avcli vm-reprovision --detach-boot-volume --attach-boot-volume boot-p56xen4 --name p56xen8
Attach a detached boot volume to a different VM:
$ avcli vm-reprovision --attach-boot-volume boot-p56xen8 --name p56xen4