Third-party Management Tools
You can install third-party management tools on everRun systems. Examples of such tools include vendor- or platform-specific management/monitoring utilities, enterprise management/monitoring utilities, and other miscellaneous management/monitoring software. Note the following:
- In general, management tools that run on the host operating system (CentOS) should run on everRun systems. Possible exceptions are tools that manage/monitor the CentOS KVM-based virtualization. To manage/monitor everRun virtualization, use the integrated everRun management tools.
- Before deploying your everRun system, Stratus recommends that you verify that it operates properly with the management tools installed and operational.
- Stratus recommends that you set up a non-root account for third-party management tools.
- You can access your everRun system via the management network using the IP address(es) specified during the installation process (or supplied by the DHCP server if the interface was configured for DHCP during install).
- If you install third-party management tools in the host operating system of a physical machine (PM) and you need to replace the PM in the future, remember to reinstall the tools on the replacement PM.