Load Balancing

HA Load Balancing distributes VMs across both PMs to improve performance and availability. Load balancing is configured per VM and is enabled automatically on everRun systems.

If a PM is out of service, all VMs will run on the surviving PM.  VMs automatically migrate back as soon as the PM they are targeted to run on returns to service and is fully synchronized.

Modes of Operation

Load balancing is set for a VM on its Load Balance tab on the Virtual Machines page.  The following modes are supported:

A graphic appears on the Virtual Machine page in the Current PM column for each VM. It indicates the current status of the VM’s load-balancing state, the PM the VM is running on, and its preference.

The following sample graphic indicates that the VM is currently on PM 0 and that PM 1 is the preference.

everRun policy ensures that a VM is always running.  In the event that one PM is predicted to fail, is under maintenance, or is taken out of service, the VM will run on the healthy PM. When both PMs are healthy, a VM migrates to its preferred PM.

Related Topic

Selecting a Preferred PM for a Virtual Machine