Commands must include the DNS name or IPv4 address of the everRun system. If you specify incorrect syntax, a message displays the correct syntax.
Create a shortcut to avoid the need to prefix all commands with the hostname, username, and password.
To create a shortcut:
The avcli command executes the batch file avcli.bat in %Program Files%\everRun. You can add login credentials to this file:
If you manage several everRun systems with the same username and password, specify the domain names of the individual systems in the command line:
Create an alias in your login .cshrc file. For example:
In the example, avcli is the alias name, admin/admin is the username/password, and everRun is the everRun system’s domain name. You can then use this alias to log on and specify commands. For example, you could specify unit-info as follows: