

avcli vm-export [--path pathname] [--volumes volumes] [--wait] [--force] vm-name


The vm-export command exports a VM in OVF/VHD format to the directory specified by pathname The command first exports VHD files, followed by the OVF file When the OVF file appears in pathname, the export is complete.
Note: Before you can start an export, you must mount a target Windows/CIFS or NFS share (from another system) in the everRun host operating system. For details, see Exporting a Virtual Machine .


--path pathname A pathname relative to the export mount point to where the exported OVF is written.
--volumes name Restrict the exported volumes to those specified; otherwise, all volumes will be created. Specify volumes by configuration name or ID, boot volume first.
--wait Wait for the export operation to complete. Specify this option to view the export progress.
--force Force the VM to be exported, even if it is still running.
vm-name Specify the name of the VM to be exported.


$ avcli vm-export --path exports/excalibur1 excalibur1
$ avcli vm-export --volumes volume:o1345 volume:o1389 --path exports/excalibur1 excalibur1