

avcli vm-import --archive filename.ovf [--no-auto-start] [--cpu number] [--memory size] [--name vm-name] [--storage-groups groups] [--interfaces networks] [--remap-volumes] [--volumes volumes] [--volume-prefix prefix] [--data] [--force] [--silent] [--dry-run] [--throttle amount] [--use-https] [--protection-level level] [--image-format format]


The vm-import command imports a VM from an OVF VM archive file.


--archive filename.ovf The OVF file archive to import.
--no-auto-start Do not start the VM after the import has finished.
--cpu number

The number of CPUs to assign to the VM. This defaults to the value in the archive.

--memory size The size of memory, in megabytes, to assign to the VM. This defaults to the value in the archive.
--name vm-name The name to assign to the VM. This defaults to the value in the archive.
--storage-groups groups The list of storage groups to use for allocating the VM's volumes. By default, all available storage groups are used. Allocation occurs in a round-robin fashion.
--interfaces networks The list of shared networks to assign to the VM's interfaces. By default, values in the archive or available shared networks are assigned.
--remap-volumes First attempt to remap all volumes to the shared-mirrors as defined in the archive, after that the --volumes and --storage-groups rules are in effect.
--volumes volumes Import only these volumes. By default, all available volumes from the OVF are imported.
--volume-prefix prefix Adds the specified prefix to the beginning of the newly imported volume names to prevent conflicts with existing volumes on the system. For example, if a source volume is ocean_boot, and you specify --volume-prefix new, the imported volume would be new-ocean_boot.
--data Import data only for the specified volumes.
--force When the OVF file is missing the isBootable flag (a known issue for Windows XP), assume that the VHD pointed to by OVF is the bootable one.
--silent Suppress output.
--dry-run Show the interface to the shared network and volume-to-storage-group assignments without actually importing or restoring a VM.
--throttle amount

Slow down the import/export operation. Valid values are:

  • none: Do not use throttling. This is the default value.
  • low: Slow down by about 25%.
  • medium: Slow down by about 50%.
  • high: Slow down by about 75%.
--use-https Use secure HTTPS transport instead of the default streaming method (HTTP transport). Streaming over HTTPS provides slower performance than HTTP but is much more secure.
--protection-level level The protection level to assign to the VM. Valid options are HA and FT (default).
--image-format format

The image format for all disk volumes of the VM. Valid values are qcow2 and raw (default).


$ avcli vm-import --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --name myVM --throttle low --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --cpu 2 --memory 1024 --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --interfaces network0 network1 --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --remap-volumes --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --storage-groups sm-0000 sm-0001 --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --volumes boot_vol vol3 --data vol3 --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --name myVM --protection-level HA --archive vm1.ovf
$ avcli vm-import --archive vm1.ovf --image-format qcow2