You are here: everRun User's Guide > Using the everRun Availability Console > The Users and Groups Page > Managing Local User Accounts

Managing Local User Accounts

You add, edit, or remove users, specify passwords, and assign user roles to local-user accounts on the User & Groups page in the everRun Availability Console. (To grant or deny access for established user accounts in an Active Directory domain, see Managing Domain User Accounts.)

Local user accounts reside on the everRun system itself, as opposed to a central domain server. You can find local accounts on the Users & Groups page by looking for entries labeled Local User in the Type column.

User roles are:

To add a user account

  1. In the left-hand navigation panel, select Users & Groups.
  2. In the top pane, click Add.
  3. In the Role drop-down window, select Administrator, Platform Manager, or Read-only.
  4. Provide values for the User Name, Password (and Confirm Password), Email Address, and Real Name fields. User names and passwords may be from 1 to 64 characters long, and must include no white space.
  5. Click Save.

To edit a user account

  1. In the left-hand navigation panel, select Users & Groups.
  2. Under USERS & GROUPS, select the account you want to edit.
  3. In the top pane, click Edit.
  4. To change a user’s role, in the Role drop-down window, select Administrator, Platform Manager, or Read-only.
  5. Click Save.

To remove a user account

  1. Under USERS & GROUPS, select the account to remove.
  2. Click Remove.
  3. Click Yes in the Confirm dialog box.
Note: You cannot delete the default admin account, although you should change its name and password by editing the account.

Related Topics

Configuring Active Directory

Managing Domain User Accounts

The Users & Groups Page
